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Suprnova's DYNCoin Pool // Algo: argon2d // LIVE !

Getting Started Guide

1. Create account.

  • Register here, or login if you already have account
  • Create a worker that will be used by the miner to login

2. Download a miner.

3. Configure your miner.

    Settings for Stratum (recommended):

    Password:Worker Password

  • CPU Miner
  • cpuminer.exe -a argon2d-dyn -o stratum+tcp://dyn.suprnova.cc:5960 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password

    You then need to change "-u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password" to reflect your own account. Eg, "-u Steve.StevesWorker -p StevesWorkerPassword" Then go to "File => Save as" and save the file as "RunMe.bat" in the same folder as minerd. You are now ready to mine, double click on "RunMe.bat" to start mining. If you want, you can create additional workers with usernames and passwords of your choice here

4. Create a DYNcoin address to receive payments.

  • Downloading the client & block chain: Download the DYNcoin client from here.

    Generate a new address and input it on your account page to receive payments.